Monday, May 21, 2012

Solider's Wife

     The sun was beating down on your back, and there were people everywhere. You had a picnic all packed in a basket, blanket and all. The flag with the colors red, white, and blue was flying high the sky everywere you would look. Today was the day that you would celebrate your freedom. Some people called it the Fourth of July, you just called the day he might die. Your husband has been gone for two years. You had gone with him to the airport on the warm August day, he had looked at you with that gleam in his eyes. You looked at him and just smiled as he leaned down to kiss you for a final goodbye kiss. There was no way you could tell him what would be waiting for him when he finally came back, if he made it back at all. They had told you that today would be the day that he would come back. They never told you a time, they just said they would give you a call. As you walked in the park you were holding the small, still fragile hand of the two year old surprise that he would soon find. You have a son that you never got the chance to tell your husband about. Your younge son would soon see his daddy for the first time and see just how much they looked alike. You didn't know what he would say or what he would do, you just knew the way he would look at you. The two years of being so far away just waiting for the day when the call came. You prayed every day all day that you wouldn't get that call today. As the parade began and your son reached for some candy, you looked up to see who was at the front of the parade. You jumped with excitment and screamed and ran to meet him no matter what people would say. He had finally come home and he was finally safe, he could hold in his arms again tonight. He leaned down and gave you a kiss. Your son came running up to you yelling for you. As he reached you he looked up and saw his daddy and realized just who it was he started yelling, 'daddy, daddy!" you looked as his daddy and he looked at you. He picked up the younge little boy and hugged you. As you walked back to your seat reunited once again, you had the biggest grin. Your family meant the world to you and your freedom was because of what your family had been through.

1 comment:

  1. Good detail. Second person can be tiring for a person to read. We need objects to the prepositions to keep our minds focused.

    Can't wait to read more!
